The heart speaks

How To Speak From The Heart - Heartspoken

Again Jesus called the crowd to him and said, “Listen to me, everyone, and understand this. Nothing outside a person can defile them by going into them. Rather, it is what comes out of a person that defiles them. After he had left the crowd and entered the house, his disciples asked him about this parable. “Are you so dull?”he asked. “Don’t you see that nothing that enters a person from the outside can defile them? For it doesn’t go into their heart but into their stomach, and then out of the body.”(In saying this, Jesus declared all foods clean.) He went on: “What comes out of a person is what defiles them. For it is from within, out of a person’s heart, that evil thoughts come—sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly. All these evils come from inside and defile a person.” (Mark 7: 14-23) (, n.d.).

To summarise this verse the first thing that comes to mind is that our desires determine the decisions we make and your heart will show you where your pain lies. It is not the things that you put in your system that lead your decisions but it is the things you store in your heart that influence your actions. Here is a narrative for you. There was a girl called Elizabeth, throughout Elizabeth's life she never felt seen, she felt like no one ever liked her and she felt like she was not good enough. Elizabeth really believed these lies about herself and these lies lead her to envy the people she was exposed to whether this was her friends, siblings, co-workers and people in her neighbourhood, all she projected was negative energy. Internally, she would say things like why does this person have this and I don't have... or it was is it because I don't look like this, that people don't see me. Instead of speaking to someone about how she felt she would rather push people away thinking they would not understand what she was going through which was also a lie. Ultimately, she became very hostile to people around her constantly projecting negative thoughts onto them because of how she truly felt inside. When her friends would reach significant millstones she was filled with bitterness wondering when her moment would come. Time went by and people started to realise the person that she had become, they no longer wanted anything to do with her. Eventually, Elizabeth got her wish, she was finally seen, but not the way she would have like to be seen, everyone knew her as that girl who was envious, bitter and mean. The sad truth was who Elizabeth had become was never how God had planned for her to be, in his eyes she was a Queen but she was fixated on the things she desired, she never knew the truth about where God was ready to take her. He has he kingdom in front of her where everything she wanted was was there. It’s crazy how we have all experiences that moment when we realised that what we desired was a trap, that feeling when you realised you dodged a bullet. This is when we say thank God that I didn’t get…We really need to let go and trust God with every challenge we face and every decision he makes for us. 

Instead of seeking God’s validation Elizabeth was seeking validation from those around her, she never realised her potential and never took time to sit down and understand that her behaviour was a representation of her heart, this all started years ago but she never took time to reflect. Instead the lies she believed about herself consumed her, she failed to realise that she had everything she needed, she had amazing friends and family that accepted her the way she was instead she was chasing someone who she was never meant to be. 

When Jesus says “What comes out of a person is what defiles them. For it is from within, out of a person’s heart, that evil thoughts come. This narrative represents how Elizabeth was feeling, she wanted to be seen but she went about it all the wrong way. Instead of learning to love herself and embrace everything about herself, she instead developed characteristics that stemmed from lies she told herself. If she   just spoke to her friends, colleagues or someone in her family about how she felt she would realise that sometimes they also had moments where they felt like they were not seen and they also wished they had some of the qualities she possessed. We all tend to forget that we all have something special about us. Sometimes we want more, we fail to see our own qualities and fail to accept that God made us exactly how we were meant to be. We all have a story to tell and behind every story God has a purpose, our journey differs but we all feel the same pain. One thing I will tell you is that life doesn’t come without experiencing pain, but I can guarantee you that our pain shapes us, it makes us better and it makes us wiser. Most importantly it is how you respond to your pain that will determine the direction of your life. Use your pain for good, don't fall into the same trap over and over again, talk to someone about how you feel, the truth is that we all get knocked down but we all have a choice get up or stay down.  I guarantee you when you share your story with someone else you will realise how impactful and meaningful your journey has been. And just maybe you will challenge someone’s life. If you know someone like Elizabeth, take time out to speak to them, make them feel seen and listen to them!  

Final Thought: 

In order to enter new territory you need to step out of your comfort zone! The person that may be your destiny helper one day may just be that person you have been walking past everyday. Open up and speak to them! 

This week I challenge you all to have a conversation with a friend, family member, spouse or someone you do not know at all, tell them a bit about what you are going through or what you have been through and you will see that you are not alone, we are all connected and I pray one day you are all set free from the shackles of your insecurities! 

Thank you for reading and have a great week! 

Instagram: Lekzmotivate

Snapchat: Lekez2 


Mark 7: Niv bible: Youversion. YouVersion | The Bible App | (n.d.). 


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