Humanising People, Humanising yourself


A couple of weeks ago I was in a negative place, I had one of those weeks where everything seemed to be going wrong in my head. This feeling not only made me question myself but it made me question where I was going. I knew I needed to readjust myself but I also knew that in order to readjust myself I needed to accept how I was feeling and do whatever I could to prevent making decisions based on what I was going through. Sometimes we find ourselves in these moments and typically in these moments we can revert back to bad habits or do things that we know we will regret in the next coming days and weeks. However, in this instance I did not allow this to happen. I choose to accept what I was going through and decided to do whatever I could to turn my week around. I spent time talking to my friends and family, I gravitated towards things that motivated me and by the end of the week I found myself limping across the finish line. Although, it felt like everything around me was crashing down, God managed to pull me through at the end.

Humanising People: The more we start humanising people the sooner we will realise that we are all the same. We are all trying to find our way in life and we are all fighting the same battle. Unity is what pulls us through not segregation. How someone looks, acts or who they are doesn't separate them from you. Yes some people are successful then others, yes others are prone to make signficant mistakes but we are all the same. We all have something we are dealing with but it is how we choose to act that ultimately determines our fate. It is so easy to look at someone and think they have it together when half of the time you don't even realise the challenges they are facing. Just because on the outside people look happy doesn't mean they are not going through stuff behind closed doors. Life is filled with so many rough times but it is how we choose to act during these moments that will ultimately decide our fate until we say enough is enough. I have had many moments recent when I would be in tears because of the weight of what I was going through, I did not know what to do and who to turn too. During these times I could not sleep, I was barely eating and the crazy thing is that I didn't even realise I wasn't eating. Talking to people became overwhelming, however, leaning towards God and accepting that this is not how I want to live my life slowly lifted up my spirit and I had the courage to fight back all the emotions that I was feeling. 

Better days are ahead: The most important thing to remember is that despite the many setbacks we have, better days are ahead. It is within the our struggles that we learn the most, we learn how to survive, how to keep pushing forward. Time doesn't wait for anyone and it is our responsibility to making ourselves happy. Life will make you question yourself but be strong, know who you are and accept that things are not always going to go your way. Perception is key,  how you choose to act or think about what happened to you will be the deciding factor in how long you stay knocked down. In my opinion, taking an L is a win for me. Sometimes what we are chasing is not what God wants for us but because we are humans we are not always going to see the bigger picture. We need to have faith and not lean on our own understanding and with time everything will make sense.

I hope you enjoyed reading and I pray you have a great week!


Humanize People – Ty Bennett


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